Spiral Staircase I
Spiral Staircase I
tall arched door revealing a chair hung on a wall
Dwelling House Arch
uplose image of tops of silverware stacked forks spoons
Silverware, Genova, Liguria
Washtub and water jug om table between windows
Washtub and Hancok
furnished hall with sheer curtains blowing interior
Blowing Curtain Near Las Pezia, Liguria
Colander and Spoon hung on wall casting shadows
Colander and Spoon
jug, spoon, brush highly polished silver surfaces
Looking Glass, Genova
liquor cabinet with jester mural on doors
Jester at Masseria Carestia, Ostuni, Puglia
small kitchen with towels and pots hanging on wall and small table
Kitchen of Atrullo, Ceglie, Messapica, Puglia
disorienting tile checker floor with rolling and dented areas
Mosaic Atrium, Herculaneaum, Near Naples
still life painting with a copy of the portayed sttill life in foreground pears decanters, melons
Still Lifes, 1888 - 1996, Near Brindisi, Puglia
arial view of japanese seaside town through circular port window
Moon Window, Japan
secioned box of bamboo whisks creating a grid filled with repetive shapes
Bamboo Wisks
abandoned brick building with weeds growing through entrance
Weed Encroachment
distorted mirror view of a hallway & stairs
Hallway Mirror, Ocean Springs
pealing wallpaper coming down over greek column and painting on wall
Wall Decor
storage building with thousands of tobacco leaves hanging from robes that bisect the building
Tobacco Crop
desert sand dunes
Desert Triangle
desert sand dunes
Fingers of Sand
Sand Dunes
Ripples and Afternoon Shadows