woman with pug dog dressed in leaves old suitcases surreal
The patient traveler.

ai floral arrangement maggie taylor
The occasion.

elephant blue balloon ai maggie taylor
The surprise.

surreal floating flower people camera phones surreal
Welcome to the water planet.

bath tub surreal maggie taylor
The bath.

girl holding rabbit ai balloons stairs

Philosophers pets 2024.jpg
Philosopher’s pets. 2024

woman headphones cap surrounded books papers
The writer.

two elephants top hats cane flying birds surreal
The bird watchers.

woman topless laying daybed surreal composition
The listening room.

objects floating above see on strings surreal
New moon.

eyes in clouds floating lighthouse surreal
The wanderer.

monkey with crown in office surreal
Welcome to my office.

woman headpiece objects clouds water surreal maggie taylor
The day sailor.

woman goggles cloud and objects out of head surreal
The weight of the world.

The therapist.

two pigs flowers halo of flowers
Dreaming with open eyes.

The surrealist 2025.jpg
The surrealist. 2025

dogs man as skeleton looking at painting woman surreal
The game.

white lab dog easel painting surreal
The realist.

elephant balloon surreal cityscape
The day dreamer.

striped object with bird melon in sky surreal
Night trippers.

woman bubble black white striped objects surreal
Kindred spirits.

dogs dancing
Like no one is watching.

floating woman balloon no legs house background surreal
The rescue.

two rabbits in home
Our house.

woman face as sail lampposts canals lined buildings
Transport of delight.

woman mask table surreal
The night feast.

umbrella two kids helmet planets surreal tablescape
Wonder room.

balloon woman no legs floating arches curtain surreal

woman laying sailboat sea background surreal
Navigation without names.

surreal victorian woman head full of characters
Burden of dreams. (woman)

surreal side portrait man head full of objects
Burden of dreams. (man)

woman skirt mountain house surreal
The hostess.

woman skirt fish surreal
The magician.

surreal portrait victorian woman flamingo flying pig
Birds of a feather.

April is the cruelest month girl walking animal surreal
April is the cruelest month.

sheep carrying crow water surreal maggie taylor
The bellweather.

surreal bright bouquet bird cupcake dragonfly
Many pretty things.

surreal glowing female spiral butterflies
The experience.

surreal zebra bird lily pads clouds from gramophone
The concert.

surreal girl surrounded by birds in small pond
But who has won?

man suit striped zebra
In good company.

surreal plane stairs maggie taylor
Cloud Nine.

woman boats surrounding water animals surreal maggie taylor
The gathering.

skelaton elephant man room maggie taylor
Elephant in the room.

two faced face kelp butterflies maggie taylor
The philosopher’s study II ~ less is more.

two head vase table butterflies flowers surreal
The philosopher’s study.

woman bubble no thighs house surreal
The rescue.

animals water surreal maggie taylor
Time will tell.

logic within woman skirt surreal maggie taylor
The logic within.

eyes in clouds lighthouse surreal maggie taylor
The wanderer.

gallery fish head creatures surreal maggie taylor
Morning in the gallery.

surreal figures clouds room no head maggie taylor
Half of me is ocean.

Spring break.
Spring break.

surreal figure covered in ivy blue butterflies
Patient gardener.

The harbinger plane water polar bear maggie taylor
The harbinger.

sailboat surreal
If I had a boat.

boat of sheep surreal maggie taylor
The adventure.

surreal victorian woman animals in dress
The menagerie.

side victorian girl portrait with bird in gold bushes
I suppose you'll be telling me next that you've never tasted an egg!

surreal woman floating birds maggie taylor
Flight of fancy.

three face vase table mouse maggie taylor
Me, myself and I.

surreal blurry girl outside holding small person
Abdullah's prayer.

surreal reflective pond full moon ripple remains
Evening plunge.

surreal small woman next to large ghost self on stage
A curious feeling.

surreal elephant poised with balloon globe flower
A fine romance.

surreal victorian mermaid umbrella reflective water
After the storm.

surreal victorian woman with book landscape
A little night reading.

surreal alligator in clothing fishing swamp bird
Alligator man.

surreal alligator victorian dress in swamp lily pad
Alligator woman.

surreal still life roses in vase with small items
All on a summer day.

surreal table ladder entering small pear spider
Almost home.

surreal mouse in water ribboned writing across frame
A long and a sad tale.

surreal girl in bubble with bird clouds pond
Have a nice day.

surreal humpty dumpty man on old wall
And a good handsome shape it is.

surreal fish head victorian men in woods invitation
An invitation.

surreal girl holding flamingo hedgehogs at feet
A very difficult game indeed.

surreal girl holding globe by river with boats
A world of her own.

surreal turtle like creature with small soup bowl
Beautiful soup!

surreal grid of items egg cupcake bug tree boat
Before breakfast.

surreal portrait man in crown faded writing behind
Between yourself and me.

surreal floating boy with balloons strapped on
Birthday boy.

surreal three boys pointy caps in water small sail
Boys with thinking caps.

surreal victorian boy with frog feet chair in water
Boy who loves water.

surreal fire in cup woman house background
Burning poems.

surreal victorian girl surrounded by animals rabbit
Call the next witness.

person on surreal fish island casting cloud
Cloud caster.

surreal floating fish blowing out clouds
Cloud makers.

surreal two victorian girls sitting amongst clouds
Cloud sisters.

surreal antelope in clothes table pigeon in top hat
Disappearing witness.

surreal distracted cats victorian clothes small mouse
Distracted cats.

surreal blurry girl cat objects inside tunnel
Down down down.

surreal sleeping boy clouds rising from horn mouth

surreal couple pool with swimmers instead of heads
Dream pool.

surreal creature man smoking hookah on mushroom
Explain yourself.

surreal glass fish bowl floating above water bird
Fellow travelers.

two surreal boxing hedgehogs

surreal floating blue dress girl descending stairs

surreal checkered top hat victorian man
Give your evidence.

boat in pond trees blue skies scene
Golden afternoon.

side portrait victorian girl head cloud full characters
He was part of my dream.

surreal side victorian man head of dream characters
I was part of his dream.

stream of colorful butterflies trailing into distance

surreal large arm reaching out cottage window
I'm grown up now.

surreal victorian man with small creatures

surreal mustache man small objects creatures

surreal chair trees blue bird in faint library
Is this a chair?

surreal rabbit victorian clothes blue fan field
It all seemed quite natural.

surreal top hat man tea time with animals
It's always tea time.

surreal rabbit peeping from black hole in ground
It's getting late.

surreal victorian dressed rabbit holding plate butter
It was the best butter.

surreal girl in reflective water blue green sunset

surreal pointy bird victorian dress magnifying glass
Just looking.

surreal victorian girl table cloud striking lightning
Lightening strikes twice.

surreal ghostly victorian woman floating tree hole
The somnambulist.

surreal victorian girl swamp holding flowers

surreal floating fish over bowl water butterflies
High tide.

surreal fish floating on bowl of water blue butterfly
Low tide.

backlit house light beams windows rabbit candle
Night watch.

surreal warm bouquet butterflies magic
The alchemist's chamber.

misty field small creature drinking puddle water

surreal man sitting fence expansive landscape
Summer evening long ago.

surreal center tree girl holding smaller tree
Garden game.

surreal flying sheep like creature butterfly wings
The promise.

surreal girls with ghost boy rabbit in hat
The rehearsal.

surreal lone tree with face paddle boat
A tale begun in other days.

surreal victorian people with out of place creature
Better say nothing at all.

silvery seascape with cloud and sail boat
But a dream.

surreal victorian girl holding cake large knife
Do you like plum cake, monster?

surreal girl holding rabbit small cloud by face
Girl with a small cloud.

surreal seascape ship flying pig letter telescope
Many things.

surreal scale dress victorian girl bright blue bird
Most of the time.

surreal silhouette man reflective letters 'now what'
Now what?

surreal woman orange victorian dress butterflies
The collector.

still reflective blue sky canal boat row houses
Small boat waiting.

surreal victorian girl red dress saw cut watermelon
The lesson.

surreal two bunnies dark underwater cloud

surreal pug gramophone hat releasing characters
What remains?

heart shaped cloud lightning striking pole pond

surreal golden landscape hands bird rising out hole
Golden hour.

surreal fiery tuft flowers butterflies
Oh my my.

surreal victorian girl pug holding paint pallet

surreal man holding small boat amongst other boats
The expedition.

surreal victorian portrait bunnies landscape
The situation.

surreal blindfolded victorian girl floating magnolias
Magnolia charmer.

surreal victorian man flying paper airplanes
Man with too much time.

surreal blurry bird carrying egg burning house

surreal girl lifting head off of shoulders
Mood lifter.

surreal girl belt of flying moths ballet shoes
Moth dancer.

surreal victorian woman balloon body floating cake
Birthday girl.

surreal egg baby amongst blue butterflies
Mr. Talbot's garden.

surreal floating tree above hole blue skies
Oh happy day!

surreal blindfolded victorian woman with ghost self
One and a half sisters.

surreal floating yellow victorian dress with wings
Optimist's dress.

surreal floating yellow suit blue wings
Optimist's suit.

surreal victorian girl submerged water fish
Ou est ma chatte?

surreal victorian woman submerged water objects

surreal masked rabbit forest flame in teacup
Rabbit test.

surreal portrait victorian girl holding pig in wig
Rather a handsome pig.

surreal victorian woman skirt of ferns
Reluctant optimist.

surreal floating eye mask in theater red curtains
She knew what was expected.

surreal spotlight floating papers checkered floor
Shining a light.

surreal boat face in sail full of animals
Ship of fools.

surreal three victorian dress dogs crescent moon
Sketchy characters.

surreal swimmer arm raised towards beam light
Small celebration.

surreal ghostly victorian girl clouds odd globe
Small possible worlds.

surreal victorian girl portrait with pigeon shoulder
Something completely different.

surreal boy holding cat peering at glass milk
Something to do.

three surreal nude figures covered in creatures
Stellar stories.

surreal group portrait kids in paper bag masks
Stories will be told.

surreal boy ghostly girl objects on heads
Strange days II.

surreal victorian girl magnifying glass on eye
Moth house.

surreal man tree growing from head long beard
Subject to change.

surreal ghostly boy with girl house on head
Strange days III.

surreal ghostly girls with boy pointy hat
Strange days IV.

surreal portrait boy girl objects on heads
Strange days I.

surreal victorian girl net butterflies from head
Stray thoughts.

surreal girl pink dress with mice in field

surreal man by pond carrying cloud by ropes
Moving on.

surreal white dog red crown on hind legs

floating tree glowing moon
That good night.

seventeen skeptics-maggie-taylor-weston-gallery-carmel.jpg
Seventeen skeptics.

surreal men on rock dangling object from cliff
The alchemists.

surreal man in paddle boat pink balloons
The arrival.

surreal masked kids standing by stack of books
The book club.

surreal victorian woman walking white swan
Woman with swan.

surreal girl goggles holding nest escaping bees
The nest.

surreal man gramophone in ear paper coming out
The reader.

surreal blurry man experimenting on large fish
The scientist.

surreal mans head blue bunny holding gift
The secret.

Surreal victorian woman fish on head holding bowl
The waiting game.

surreal green box holding eyeballs
The admirer's gift.

two surreal men standing amongst small houses
The architects.

surreal zebra side opening blue butterfly
The bargain.

surreal fish head on body standing by sea
The bather.

surreal fished victorian dress resting by sea
The beacon.

surreal clothed mouse sitting forest hot coffee
The dormouse.

surreal colorful giant fish by port small person
The find.

portrait group of victorian girls
The girls.

surreal victorian woman by small door to outside
The great puzzle.

surreal rabbit head fancy clothing holding horn
The herald.

surreal victorian boy reaching into pocket
The keeper.

surreal victorian girl moon shirt portrait with book
The night sky.

surreal owl panther pie
The owl and the panther.

surreal child on flying stork dangling fish
The pilot.

surreal masked rabbit and crowned crow
The same story.

surreal girl surrounded by playing cards
These strange adventures.

surreal victorian man with well dressed seal
The time has come.

surreal game rabbit resting against stacked books
The toast of last night.

surreal woman with fish on plate
The wish.

surreal unicorn lion boxing gloves
They're at it again!

surreal portrait royal couple with fans
They're only a pack of cards.

surreal floating golden trees over hole rabbits
Three trees and two rabbits.

surreal backside victorian woman butterfly wings
Turning away.

two men paddle boat reflective water fish
Two men in a boat.

surreal table yellow gift flowers
Un-birthday present.

surreal mystical winged creature in light beam
Up, lazy thing!

surreal beautiful woman holding rabbit landscape
Wakeful rabbit.

surreal calm sea boats words 'well then'
Well then.

surreal side victorian portrait black fish on head
What to think.

surreal egg body holding ladder butterflies
Why not?
surreal girl by pond elephant hanging by cloud
Without my knowing it.

surreal woman holding purple umbrella small horse
Woman holding horse.

surreal woman holding fish under her arms
Woman who loves fish.

surreal headless woman with stone skirt dog
Woman with a stone skirt.

surreal mystical winged creature lobsters
You can really have no notion how delightful it will be.

boat face on mast seascape surreal
Bon voyage.

headless person in water cloud as head surreal
Party on.

monkey with boats in library sea background surreal
Sailors delight.

boy with eye mask ship and dog surreal
The next big adventure.