Tobacco Farmer harvesting leaves by hand
Tobacco Farmer

boy dove
Hands of Freedom, Florida, Cuba

man smoking cigar carrying cage
Birdman, Trinidad, Cuba, 1994

ticket booth
County Fair

little girl
A Santerita

old hair dryers
Beauty Salon, Sancti Spiritus, Cuba

african american boys cowboy hats flag shirts
Two Boys from Black Cowboys Series

man in jail and woman paintings
Che & Fidel

boy bullying little girl with slingshot
Boys will be Boys

horse rider vespa
Carabinieri, Sicily

cuban black man in stylish white suit

children narrow boat pier
My Cuban Cousins, Nuevitas, Cuba, 1994

oxen cart
Jibaros, Cuba

Hip Hop Havana

city square karate kids class
Karate Time

night 50s car couple
Havana Noir, Havana Cuba

Marionette, Ecuador

soccer on wet cement reflection
Momento Futbolistico

man and woman
Native Indians

food delivery to bus
On the Road

man woman folk dress
Peru, Indian Couple

fidel giving speech pope seated on throne
Fidel & Pope John Paul, 1998

man child horse cart
Farmer and Grandson, Medias, Romania

old man cylinder hat
Romanian Monk

old men in robes cylindar hats
Romanian Monks at Dinner