Unknown 2023-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Unknown, 2023

Giant Kelp 2023-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Giant Kelp, 2023

Bull Kelp 2021-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Bull Kelp, 2021

Jelly and Sunlight 2018-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Sea Nettle and Sunlight, 2018 ~ Underwater 27

hair like field of kelp billowing beneath fish
Underwater Kelp ~ 32

Chuck at Cypress Point 2022-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Chuck at Cypress Point, 2022

Glass Jelly 2023-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Glass Jelly, 2023

Bull Kelp and Sunlight 2020-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Bull Kelp and Sunlight, 2020

Harbor Seal 2022-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Harbor Seal, 2022

Dorado and God Rays 2023-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Dorado and God Rays, 2023

Dancing in Bubbles 2022-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Dancing in Bubbles, 2022

kelp ribbons cascading from arching stalk
Underwater Kelp ~ 33

Bubbles 2023-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Bubbles, 2023

Rising Up 2019-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Rising Up, 2019

Moon Jelly 2021-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Moon Jelly, 2021

New Growth 2022-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
New Growth, 2022

Sea Nettles 2018-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Sea Nettles, 2018

Sea Star 2018-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Sea Star, 2018

Sand 1 2011-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Sand I, 2011

Sand 2 2011-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Sand II, 2011

tall thin string of kelp bulbs with billowing ribbons
Underwater Kelp ~ 34

Light Ray 2011-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Light Ray, 2011

Perch 2021-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Perch, 2021

The Swarm 2010-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
The Swarm, 2010

Seascape, 2021-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Seascape, 2021

Anchovies 2017-ryuijie-weston-galelry.jpg
Anchovies, 2017

kelp form underwater
The Dancer, K2

abstract kept strands underwater light beams
Kelp Strands, K5

grainy underwater kelp lone fish
Fish in Kelp, K15

underwater kelp light lit up fish
Kelp in Light, K41

fish swimming in light dark kelp
Fish in Canopy, K1

two darkened fish under backlit water
Two Fish, K14

brilliant sun seen from underwater kelp
Kelp and Sunlight, K4

school of fish swimming
Schooling Fish, K7

lone dark fish surrounded by kelp underwater
Lone Fish, K17

detail kelp folding ribbon forms
Kelp, K19

diver in flippers upside down mid dive water beneath
Freediver, K32

textured reef with two fish underwater
Reef Fish, K29

divers back against reef seen from above underwater
Lava Tube, K27

bare legs glowing white sheer fabric underwater
Kona Figure I, K24

reef underwater caustics underside water surface
Reef, K31

view into open manta rays mouth underwater light
Manta in Light, K33

sea turtle swimming underwater near reefs
Honu, K23

sea turtle seen from behind near reef light caustics
Honu II, K28

bare legs hand white cloth underwater against reef
Kona Figure, K21

abstract detail manta ray in light
Manta Detail, K26

diver and belly of manta ray in flash light underwater
Kona Night, K25

many small lit up bubbles in water
Bubbles in Light, K22

seven fish swimming by reef
Butterfly Fish, K20

diver seen from above against reef underwater
Reef II, K30

aerial view suited diver against reef underwater
Stalking, K8

small darting school of fish in light beams underwater
Fry in Light, K16

abstract light and water with thin fish form
Needlefish, K36

ribbons of kelp bathed in light underwater
Kelp Abstraction, K38

small group of black fish underwater by reef
Keahou Reef, K39

view down towards diver rising looking up bubbles light
Ascent, K35

small group black fish above flat reef line
Keahou Reef, K40

two black fish silhouetted light kelp underwater
Point Lobos, K46

view downward at textured reef and sea turtle
Puako, K43

silhouette fish light shining through kelp in water
Breakwater, K45

silhouetted and translucent kelp underwater
Yankee Point, K 42

low contrast light group striped bass underwater
Striped Bass I, K44

leopard shark seen from above against dark reef
Leopard Shark, K48

low contrast light group striped bass underwater
Striped Bass II, K47

vertical strands of kelp diver swimming behind
The Mermaid, K51

detail kelp form underwater
Kelp II, K50

long vertical kelp form underwater
Kelp, K52

jellyfish against sea floor underwater
Jellyfish, K49

school of thin needle fish underwater
Needle Fish, K54

grainy seal forms with kelp underwater
Seal Lovers, K55

small black fish near reef cliff underwater
Blowfish, K53

group small needle fish underwater light above
Needle Fish, K56

small white fish against light beams underwater
White Fish, K58

burred abstract kelp form
Kelp Abstraction, K60

blurred fish against abstract light forms
Garibaldi, K57

downward view bat ray underwater
Bat Ray, K59

four towers of pier poles with barnacles underwater
Pier Poles, K61

white fish against sea plant life underwater
Garibaldi, K64

small black fish entering wavy kelp forest underwater
Kelp Forest, K65

high contrast detail kelp strand form
Kelp Strand, K63

sea flora bathed in light beams underwater
Light Rays, K62

detail kelp wavy strands underwater
Bull Kelp Rising, K66

silhouetted waving kelp forms underwater
Bull Kelp, K67

view up to bright sun shining through kelp in water
Light Rays, K69

detail kelp ribbons underwater
Ribbons, K71

suited diver against rocks floating square light
Camille, Blue Hole, K77

view beneath swimmer against abstracted tree form
View from the Bottom, K76

detail kelp ribbons underwater
Medusa, K73

detail dark kelp ribbons against light underwater
Flowing Strands, K68

white seal head poking from seaweed underwater
Seal, K13

divers suited body with head above water
Up for a Breath, K80

white fish against dark rocks underwater
Goldfish, K79

small white fish against rock forms underwater
Koi, K78

diver from above with camera bubbles light beams
Ryuijie at Black Hole, K75

diver in water seen from above against light beams
Suspended, K82

detail kelp forms small snail underwater
Kelp and Snail, K81

shark against light open background
White Shark, K87

school of fish with black shadowy form in middle
Under the Ship, K86

shark and school of dark fish
On the Prow, K89

shark from above and fish underwater
Into the Dark, K90

dark silhouetted fish against light and kelp
School Together, K83

various kelp forms underwater
Kelp Landscape, K85

lightly toned kelp ribbons underwater
Two Blondes, K84

three distant fish between vertical kelp strands
Cathedral, K6

archway of feathered kelp underwater
Bending, K72

six suited divers in large cage underwater
My Friends Down Under, K91

grainy abstract fish forms underwater
Moving Away, K92

high contrast kelp form underwater
Kelp, K97

wide eyed mackerel swimming by underwater cage
Mackerel Running, K98

detail kelp foreground distant kelp patterns
The Jungle, K94

shark seen from behind bars with diver
Chuck and Shark, K93

detail textured reef starfish underwater
Starfish, K96

dim kelp forest fish swimming background light
Under the Canopy, K95

detailed geometric kelp form ribbons underwater
New Kelp, K100

white seal swimming towards background light
Seal Break Water, K102

silhouetted fish sea flora landscape
Palm Kelp, Point Lobos, K101

shark swimming close to rocky sea floor
Cruising, K107

portrait of diver against reef underwater
Camille, Key West, K106

blurry abstract school of fish with center light
Swim Through, K111

brain like coral sea flora and fish
Brain Coral, K113

portrait of barracuda against dark reef
Barracuda, K112

silhouette of complex reef tower underwater
The Tower, K114

tree like coral school of fish underwater ship wreck
The Wreck, K110

wavy kelp underwater
Kelp, K105

full frame silvery fish packed together
Fish Wall, K109

two eagle rays in mid flap near sea floor
Eagle Rays, K108

school of silvery fish near ocean bottom
Schooling, K104

group of fish under boat shadow light background
Under the Boat, K115

detail white kelp strands billowing underwater
Point Pinos, K116

ripples in sea floor with water caustic light beams
Light Rays, K103

blurred stream of darting white school of fish
Herring, K117

foreshortened diver seen from behind against white
Camille at Sharfin, K118

light school of darting white fish blurring
Herring II, K119

array of busy kelp forms
The Forest, K120

mid bloom of kelp ribbons underwater
Blooming, K122

billowing kelp ribbons in current lit up from top
In the Current, K123

blurry abstract school of darting fish full frame
Swimming over the Sand, K121

group of jelly fish long tendrils
Sea Nettles, K126

blurry stream of jellyfish
Sea Nettles, K125

foreground detailed group of jellyfish
Sea Nettles, K124

small speckling of black fish against large rocks
Black Fish, Corsica, K129

timidly poised jellyfish against empty water
Sea Nettle, K128

underwater landscape divers head above surface
Camille in the Mediterranean, K127

horizontal jellyfish tangled across frame
Nettles Entwined, K130

upwards view to jellyfish with long tendrils
Rising Nettles, K131

aerial view of straight jellyfish against white sand
Gliding Over Sand, K132

low contrast silvery white school of fish
Grunts, Key West, K133

jelly fish disappearing into distance
Sea Nettles II, K134

kelp form waving underwater
Kelp in the Wind, K135

small black fish dotting open water sea grass beneath
Grasses and Black Fish, K136

shark as seen from behind water caustics light beams
Close Encounter, K137

lone fish above sea grasses light beams
All Alone, K138

detail wrapping kelp ribbons and string of bulbs
Kelp and Bulb, K139

seal and photographers flipper against white sand
Willy and Me, K140

silhouette group of black fish
Black Smith Fish, Monterey Bay, K141

floating jellyfish against diagonal light beams
Climbing and Sunlight, K142

sharp contrast backlit floating jellyfish
Jelly, K143

full frame swarm of jellyfish
Swarm, K147

jellyfish against cloud like white sand
Clouds, K145

light floating jellyfish against dark sea water
Nettle, K146

shadowy seal swimming just above bare sea floor
Swimming and Sand, K144

swarm of tangling jellyfish
Twisting, K148

contrasted jellyfish against white rippling sand
Rhythm, K149

horizontally swimming jellyfish amongst kelp
The Traveler, K150

school of translucent swimming jellyfish
Transparent, K151

sweet faced white seal swimming by sea weed
Harbor Seal, K152

portrait of fish side of head flattened angle
Sunfish, K153

rippled sea floor landscape brilliant sun above
The Desert, K154

divers legs with flippers against light
Play with Me, K155

two light and dark seals swimming together
Two Seals, K156

underside view of jellyfish tendrils
Jelly Bell, K157

patterned fish swimming above rocky corals
Fish and Corals, K158

sea turtle fish swimming above reef light beams
Turtle and Black Fish, K159

sea turtle from behind under shallow waters
Turtle and Sky, K163

translucent jellyfish against open water
Open Water, K161

sea turtle swimming in shallow waters rocky reefs

aerial view of sea turtle above rocks underwater
Turtle Puako, K162

black and white striped fish swimming near corals
Moorish Idol, K164

full framed school of tightly packed anchovies
Anchovies, K165

close up kelp in foreground forest background
Kelp Forest, K166

below water surface mid horizon line water caustics
Horizon Line, K167

diver between two deep coral walls
Ryuijie and Lava Tube, K168

kelp form silhouetted illuminated bulbs
Kelp Forest, K169

blurred jellyfish in motion
Strange Jelly, K170

silhouetted cloudy school of fish against white
Fog, K171

four fish with kelp and rocky bottom
Rock Fish and Kelp, K179

low contrast group of darting jellyfish
Jellies, K184

detail of strings of kelp bulbs and ribbons waving
Kelp Bulbs, K178

low contrast sting ray forms against white sand
Rays, K190

centered silhouetted jellyfish backlit by sun rays
Jelly Fish and Sunlight, K181

low contrast fish form against cloudy sand
Halibut, K185

full frame detail kelp ribbons shimmering in sunlight
Kelp and Sunlight, K177

jelly swimming towards dense kelp
Jelly, K186

distant small fish seen behind kelp forms
Kelp and Fry, K189

aerial view dark sting ray against white sand
Bat Ray Resting, K187

viewed behind white stingray in dark waters gliding
Gliding, K188

aerial view two starfish on white rippled sand
Starfish on Sand, K194

side view graceful diver amongst kelp underwater
Barret, Point Lobos, K199

lone fish swimming towards kelp
Bocaccio and Kelp, K196

upper angle jellyfish cap details empty background
Jelly, K191

darting group of jellyfish varying directions
Jellies, K193

school of fish surrounding forest of kelp
School Fish, Point Lobos, K198

lone fish swimming away from kelp
Bocaccio, K197

aerial view jellyfish against sand stark water caustics
Sand Patterns, K192

three silvery fish centered amongst kelp forest
Break Water, K202

lone dark fish amongst kelp forest underwater
Point Lobos, K200

four small silver fish in busy kelp forest
Perch, K201

detail of small translucent fish and kelp
Fingerlings and Kelp, K203

small fish tucking themselves beneath kelp ribbons
Hiding Under Kelp, K204

silhouetted kelp against cloudy white background
Kelp and White Sand, K205

blurry bird in mid dive underwater
Cormorant, K206

lone silver fish with mouth agape waving kelp
Perch, K207

small group of fish swimming above hairy reefs
Perch and Blue Fish, K208

small group silver black perch fish amongst kelp
Perch and Kelp, K209

full frame view of salps
Salps, K210

three small fish by tall vertical kelp
Jacks and Kelp, K211

centered tight group of silver fish dark waters
Schooling Jacks, K212

single barren kelp stalk with group of fish behind
Dying Kelp, K213

abstracted bird form against shadowy empty waters
Bird Swimming, K214

seal swimming amongst sun beams waving kelp
Seal Playing in Sunlight, K215

group of fish swimming under kelp
Perch Under Kelp, K216

two starfish against rocky textured reef
Star Fish, K217

group of silhouetted fish amongst tall kelp
Blue Fish, K218

full frame packed school of anchovies like fur
Anchovies, K219

cascading kelp ribbons in sunlight
Sunlite, K220

synchronized mackerel swimming near sandy floor
Dancing Mackerel, K221

tight school of synchronized fish blocking sunlight
In the Bait Ball, K222

blurred cloud like school of fish against dark water
Bait Ball, K223

fish swimming amongst varying depths of kelp
Blue Fish, Point Pinos, K224

blinding light slicing through kelp and fish
Perch Under Kelp, K225

active kelp landscape disappearing into distance
Lobos Landscape, K226

full frame dense school of anchovies veering upwards
Below the School, K227

full frame left to right dense school of anchovies
Schooling Anchovies, K228

backlit graceful group of fish draping kelp ribbons

gradient of light filling frame with kelp silhouetted
Kelp in Shallows, K231